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Perfetto Pizzeria Restaurant

Perfetto Pizzeria Restaurant

In Halkidiki and more specifically on the provincial road Paliouriou - Afytou 2 in Kallithea, you will find our restaurant - pizzeria "Perfetto" where it offers you daily unique, filling and economical flavors, in a beautiful, pleasant and friendly environment. We have been with you for several years and we have managed to create a strong name in the field of catering and especially pizza. Our timelessness is due to both the quality and consistency of the flavors we offer daily to our customers, as well as our economical prices.

In our restaurant - pizzeria, you can enjoy daily from early noon, unique pizzas, a wide variety of flavors, unique pasta, delicious meats and fresh salads.

Contact info:
Telephone: 2374025667

Map Perfetto Pizzeria Restaurant

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