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Agios Mamas Halkidiki

Agios Mamas Halkidiki

Information about Agios Mamas, Halkidiki

Agios Mamas is a village located in Kassandra peninsula in Halkidiki near Nea Moudania. The approximately 1000 inhabitants are mainly engaged in agriculture since the region has large rural areas with olive trees. The village is known for the great festival - trade fair - held every year in the early days of September right opposite the church of Agios Mamas. It is the biggest festival of Halkidiki.

The village has no tourist interest, although its long sandy beach attracts a lot of people who enjoy the sun and sea.

Between Agios Mamas and Potidea, there are great spots of water among the land that creates a unique lagoon. This is a place of "Community Protection" and "Special Protection Area" of the network Natura 2000. It also hosts a variety of aquatic birds.

The main area of Aghios Mamas and Olynthus has great historical interest as there have been excavated artifacts which date back to the end of the Neolithic period. The oldest cemetery ever found in Macedonia from the Early Bronze Age resides here as well.

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