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Agios Prodromos Halkidiki

Agios Prodromos Halkidiki

Information about Agios Prodromos, Halkidiki

Agios Prodromos is a small village in Chalkidiki, located 50 km from the city of Thessaloniki and just 14 km from Polygyros. It is situated at the foothills of Mount Holomontas and it is an ideal stop for the visitors of Mount Athos and Halkidiki in general.

Although it only has about 450 residents, its souvlaki is world renowned. Some years ago, the souvlaki of Agios Prodromos was awarded by the Government of New Zealand!

As residents say, the art of souvlaki is passed down from generation to generation. The reason for this worldwide success and the recipe for their souvlaki is a well-kept secret. However, we know that the right combination of local meat (the locals which aren't involved with souvlaki and tourism are farmers) and a suitable proportion of spices cooked in a unique way make it so unique.

Among others, Agios Prodromos has a small picturesque square, kindergarten, post office, police station, and a football club which competes in the amateur category B of the Halkidiki championship. If you find yourself in the village to taste souvlaki, don't forget to try traditional sweets, bread, and honey as well. You will have the opportunity to admire the river Resetnikioti (Olynthio) which runs through the village and is surrounded by lush vegetation. You should also visit the small post-Byzantine chapel of the Saint Prodromos which gave its name to the village.


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