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Pirgadikia Halkidiki

Pirgadikia Halkidiki

Information about Pirgadikia, Halkidiki

Pyrgadikia is a coastal village which is built on a hill overlooking the Mount Athos and Sithonia in Halkidiki. It’s 35 km away from Polygyros and it has 300 residents. This number rises in the summer since the beautiful, ultra-clean beaches in the area are a magnet for Greek and foreign tourists.

The accommodation choices in Pyrgadikia are limited since there are few rooms to let and few hotels. We recommend the "Gialaki" which is located in an isolated beach inside a lush green garden just 350 meters away from the village center. Also, a good choice is the hotel complex Assa Maris Bomo Club which provides complete accommodation services and entertainment.


In Pyrgadikia there is a small port where you can enjoy traditional Greek scenery with fishing boats and eat fresh fish at the taverns in the area. The natural landscape and the beautiful beaches will make this region memorable to you and your friends.

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