Откријте Рај На Северу Грчке.

медицински туризам на Халкидикију

медицински туризам на Халкидикију

Greece is one of the most popular holiday destinations. In recent years, as worldwide, in our country has begun to bloom a different approach to tourism. Nowdays, many patients choose to go to another country to combine their holidays with the receipt of medical assistance. Also, by this way they relax and revitalize after or during their treatment.

The climate of Greece is ideal and this in combination with the high level of medical services which are offered, are sufficient to meet the requirements of medical tourism.

Undoubtedly, Halkidiki is one of the most popular options for medical tourism. Specifically, in Kassandra, there are the hot thermal spas of Agia Paraskeyi. The spas are about 120 km from the city of Thessaloniki. They are fully equipped and provide to their costumers inside and outside pool with thermal seawater, sauna, jacuzzi, massage, physical therapy and more. Your stay here will be comfortable and relaxing, without any kind of stress.

The hot spas help in the treatment of many diseases related to bones, joints and muscles. Furthermore, this kind of spas help to the treatment of many forms of arthritis, skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema, acne, etc.), gynecological and urological problems, cervical syndrome. Also they offer pain relief and relief of discomfort from old bone fractures.

The thermal spas of Agia Paraskeyi are opened from April to November, their facilities are safe and meet all specifications. In addition, the staff is experienced, there is a lifeguard and of course medical support.

For more informations: www.kedikassandras.gr/services/loytra-agias-paraskeyhs/

Истражите више места на Халкидикију

Плажа Акти Салоникиу

Плажа Акти Салоникиу

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    популарне плаже на Халкидикију
  • Плажа Сикиа
  • Плажа Арменисти
  • Плажа Ормос Панагиас
  • Плажа Сарти
  • Плажа Никити
    Популарне плаже на Халкидикију
  • Плажа Акти Елиас
  • Плажа Гларокавос
  • Плажа Каламитси
  • Плажа Палиоури
  • Плажа Калитее

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Време на Халкидикију

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Пронађите најбоље хотеле у Халкидикију

Једрење на Халкидикију

Scuba Diving in Halkidiki

Рент а цар у Халкидикију

Taxi and Transfer in Halkidiki

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