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Зима на Халкидикију

Зима на Халкидикију

Halkidiki is undoubtedly one of the most popular destinations in Greece during the summer months. However, only a few know that this place can satisfy the most demanding guests even the winter, since its harmonic combination of mountain and sea.

Firstly, Mount Athos is a place which is visited by many people for pilgrimage throughout the year.  However, apart from the religious tourism, in Halkidiki, and more specifically at the mount of Cholomontas,  there are several beautiful mountainous villages which are suitable for holidays during the winter. Arnaia and Poligiros are among the top choices of visitors in winter. In their municipalities you will find several picturesque villages such as Neochori and Taksiarxis. In these villages you can find remarkable active female cooperatives from which you can take traditional products. Also, there are a few folk art museums. Furthermore the mountainous village Galatista has great historical interest and many people choose it for day trips. You can visit Agios Prodromos and taste the famous souvlaki.Furthermore, you can use one of the many forest trails in the area to explore the nature. In our website you will find the most hiking trails which exist in Halkidiki, so you will have the opportunity to choose the one which suits you.

Do not forget that in Halkidiki there are several archaeological areas so your vacation can be relaxing and constructive at the same time.  Also recently, at Stagira, Aristotle's tomb has been discovered after years of research. One more worth visiting place is the cave of Petralona at Petralona, and of course the ancient city of Olynthos.

If you visit Sithonia at winter, you can choose between luxury hotels at affordable prices! Many people choose Neos Marmaras for their stay. If you do the same you must visit the village of Parthenon. In addition, remember that at Porto Carras there is casino.
On the other hand, at Kassandra, near to the village of Agia Paraskeyi there are thermal spas which are opened all over the year.

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    Популарне плаже на Халкидикију
  • Плажа Афитоса
  • Плажа Калитее
  • Плажа Торони
  • Плажа Ампелос
  • Плажа Акти Салоникиу

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Време на Халкидикију

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Једрење на Халкидикију

Scuba Diving in Halkidiki

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