Откријте Рај На Северу Грчке.

The Sunset Romantic cruise

The Sunset Romantic cruise

Private Experience From 699 €

Sunset and a romantic dinner on board!

Feel your heart’s vibrations!!

Sunset time: As your eyes are diving in the summer sunset’s colors, a perfect cocktail will be prepared especially for you.

This is the way to enjoy life beyond every day’s limits.

All these are waiting for YOU to LIVE the DREAM,
waiting for YOU to feel the freedom witch only life in the sea can give you.
Absorb the unique energy provided during this experience and get the most of it by scheduling this trip as you please. We will be there for you and gladly help you on this matter at every moment.

A final information was kept for you as a SURPRISE.
Except your captain’s skills as a skipper, he is also an excellent chef. He will select vintage wines and
prepare especialy for you, an exclusive and exquisite dinner! Or he will embrace and fulfil your personal choice!


Option 1: Sunset Cruise

  • Up to 4 persons for 4 hours (18:30 - 22:30): 699 €
  • Each additional person: 25 € (cocktails included)

Option 2: Sunset and Romantic Dinner Cruise (with private chef and waitress)

  • Hours 18:30 to 12:00 next day
  • Up to 4 persons with overnight stay: 1400 €
  • Each additional person: 75 € (max. 6 persons)

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